How To Hide Bangs
This includes a number of styles, some can even be done with quite short bangs. Quick step by step instructions are with each style Simple Pin Back - tie back hair leaving bangs out - pin bangs to main hairline - let hair out Side Part Tuck - part hair down the middle, then take half of bangs and move so they're all on one side - pin all bangs together on one side -flip some of the long hair over to cover the pinned bangs Twirl Tie Back - brush bangs and a portion of hair back on top of head - twist so that the bangs become caught in long hair - swirl hair into a bun and tie up Bangs Twirl pin - grab half of bangs and twist from the root outwards - pin the bottom of the twirl to main hairline - use main hair to cover the pinned parts of bangs Fringe Mini Buns - tie back hair but leave bangs and a portion of long hair out - tie bangs and left out long hair together - swirl hair into buns and...